Seeking Monetary Compensation for Losses Because of a Delayed Cancer Diagnosis in Albany

Seeking Monetary Compensation for Losses Because of a Delayed Cancer Diagnosis in Albany

Cancer can spread rapidly and a delay in the diagnosis can lead to severe harm or even death. A delayed cancer diagnosis may lead to the disease continuing to grow or spreading to other body parts, which makes it difficult or impossible to treat. As treatment options are reduced, the patient may need to go through disfiguring surgery. A prompt and accurate diagnosis can save a patient’s life and mean a short period of treatment. 

If you sustained an injury or your loved one died because of a delayed diagnosis due to a medical expert’s negligence or fault, you may be eligible for compensation. Albany Delayed Cancer Diagnosis lawyers can help you file a lawsuit. But laws that apply to medical malpractice are quite complicated and it’s usually tricky to determine how and when a disease must have been diagnosed. Insurers are represented by a team of legal counsel who tries to deny claims or pay the least amount of compensation. Because of this, the fight for compensation should not be handled alone. 

How an Attorney Can Help

Medical experts and facilities are expected to use their tools and training to make the proper diagnosis and start prompt treatment as needed. If a medical expert fails to do what they have to do, treatable cancer could cause patient serious harm or death. In this case, an attorney can help the victim or their family build a strong negligence or medical malpractice claim. 

Because cancer symptoms can change over time and it becomes harder to find evidence and witnesses, you must seek help from a skilled lawyer as soon as possible. Having a great attorney on your side eliminates the stress and worries you may experience because of the complexity of the legal process. Your attorney will listen to your version of what took place and who was to blame for the accident. They will assess whether you have a malpractice case and determine its possible worth. Your attorney will examine medical and hospital records and any records of past delayed diagnosis incidents that involve the same medical professionals. 

Possible Damage You Can Recover

In a medical malpractice lawsuit, you may be awarded economic damages such as medical and rehab expenses as well as lost wages and lost earning potential.  Other damages include non-economic damages such as pain and suffering, lost quality of life, and disability. In rare cases, punitive damages can be awarded when gross negligence caused the delayed diagnosis. 

Georgianna Ramirez